Author Archive
Gator Collapse Final Pencil Test
Finally finished a scene!
Pencil Test
Pencil Test with Background
I may go back to this scene, but for now I’m happy with it.
WIP Background Matte
Gator Collapse Test
Not too happy with how this one’s coming out, it might need some redrafting. Happy with the impact, it’s felt. Dunno what’s going on with his feet, I’m not sure what to do with them.
Also switched to Vimeo, since that handles short clips A LOT better than Youtube does.
Delicious Fish Matte
Gator Jump Pencil Test
Taking a break from the first scene to do another scene just to cleanse my palate.
Scene 1 Full Pencil Test
Today I animated a bridge between two key poses and stitched all the tests together. Unfortunately, I lost the hard copy of one of the arm frames so I omitted it from the test. I still have them scanned in, though, so it’s no bother to recover it.
I think it works out pretty nicely.